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C-IHL: a Whole New World of Opportunities

City Institute of Higher Learning (C-IHL) is launching in Moncton, Canada, and internationally to provide fresh and innovative opportunities for learners, organisations and the wider community. The Institute is focused on delivering excellent research that is geared at contributing to solve some of the critical contemporary issues that our society and economy face. Researchers at C-IHL are globally known for their cutting-edge research which has been published in some of the most reputable journals and books in their field.

In addition to socio-economic research, the Institute runs educational programmes in research skills and international studies and management. All these programmes are high academic programmes but they are also professionalized to enable the graduates to access interesting opportunities with local and global firms. C-IHL's programmes are all globally-oriented and are taught by a dynamic team of highly capable instructors from around the world. The Institute prides itself in its global connections, meaning that graduates are adaptable as they learn with not only a global faculty but also alongside learners from various cultures.

Most of C-IHL's programmes have a significant research component which allows graduates to acquire additional much needed skills to be effective in their job roles and to apply for further research-based studies. The courses are taught in small class sizes which means that the instructors have time for everyone and discussions and learning are in-depth. The added advantage is the opportunities for blended learning with many classes being recorded so the students revisit them.

WHETHER you are a company looking for training and development for your staff OR an individual wanting a novel qualification and skills, City Institute of Higher Learning (C-IHL) is here to meet your needs. Contact

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